Smartwatches and health. How technology helps every day
A technological accessory, the grandson of the wristwatch, the smartwatch has been able to ride technologies and trends to stay on top of the wave.

A popularity that is not just the result of vanity or the convenience of always having notifications at hand, but which is also fundamental from a health point of view.
Among the many functions it is equipped with, the smartwatch also has many designed for health, sports monitoring, sleep monitoring and vital functions.
The invention and continuous improvement of the smartwatch has had the great merit of bringing wristwatches back into the limelight. Technology and its evolution, which had previously caused this market to drastically decline, has reversed its trend, restoring popularity to wristwatches.
The first mobile phones had in fact taken away the interest and importance of wristwatches. The presence of a display on which to constantly check the time, combined with advanced features such as automatic time correction, stopwatch, timer and alarm had taken away the importance of the wristwatch.
Then what technology took away was returned with interest thanks to the creation and consequent popularity of the first smartwatches .
Smartwatches have in fact brought technology to the wrist, also giving the possibility of having continuous sleep and health (cardiac and respiratory) monitoring.
Smartwatches and health
Leaving aside the issue of notifications, connectivity at the fingertips and all the other special and additional functions that a "smart watch" can provide, what we will focus on is the so-called "health and monitoring sector".
The smartwatch and health combo allows complete monitoring and control of health, both under stress during sporting activity, and at rest, during sleep or in our daily routines.
Smartwatch and health is in fact not a single function, but many functions also available in many different smartwatches designed for different needs.
We can in fact consider three large categories from this aspect:
These three categories are then divided into countless functions.
Smartwatch and health, feature list
There are many features that can help with physical and habit monitoring. Among the main ones we find:
Smartwatch and health: sports tracking
The most common functionality that we can find in a smartwatch is that of the pedometer. Measured by the swing of the arm, this value is counted in real time, allowing instant reading and recognition of the steps taken. This data is then saved in the app connected to the smartwatch , for time tracking of the number of steps and kilometers travelled.
From a health point of view we then find practical warnings that encourage us to move after a certain period of sedentary time, for a very useful functionality, perfect especially for those who work all day sitting at a desk.
Sports monitoring is then broken down for individual sports specialties. In fact, each of them is also measured thanks to the support of the GPS signal and heart rate reading.
Based on the sport we will therefore be able to have all the metrics necessary to evaluate it, both in real time and at the end of the sporting activity itself.
Smartwatch and health: sleep monitoring
Not only physical activity but also the measurement and control of a fundamental component for human well-being. Modern smartwatches can in fact measure and analyze the quality of sleep, allowing you to know exactly the number of hours slept and their quality.
These values can then give us an index of the quality of our sleep, for a value that goes beyond the simple measurement of hours slept, to also provide an index of the quality of the sleep itself.
Pulse oximeter
An advanced function now present in many smartwatches of various price ranges, the oximeter allows you to check the quantity of oxygen in the blood in real time with a rapid measurement.
This indispensable parameter from a respiratory and lung capacity point of view has become even more essential as a symptom of Covid-19. A low level of blood oxygenation is in fact a parameter that allows you to immediately know that a respiratory problem is present.
Of course, the measurement carried out via a smartwatch cannot be considered comparable to the medical one, but the possibility of always having it with you is still an excellent system for a quick and immediate check.
Heart check
Measurement of heart rate at rest or during exercise, with the possibility of setting individual thresholds and knowing better your heart rate and the quantity of calories consumed during sporting activity.
The continuous measurement of the heart rate allows immediate and punctual control, with the possibility of having automatic alerts when some parameter is not "perfect".
In addition to the heart rate, we also find the HRV (Heart Rate Variable) measurement, an interesting feature that allows us to know the variability of the heart rate.
How the smartwatch can help our health
The smartwatch has allowed us to wear a personal trainer and a medical team of experts on our wrist, allowing, with a few hundred euros in the worst case scenario, to have continuous monitoring of our medical conditions.
An immediate and constant check-up. An analysis that allows you to better understand yourself and your body. A continuous and immediate measurement in order to optimize sporting activity, night rest and your daily life in general. Smartwatch and health is therefore not just a trend, but a real continuous medical check.