Roblox. What is this game about? What type of gaming PC do you need?
Not a simple video game, but a complete suite that has achieved worldwide success, all this and much more is Roblox.
MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) genre video game was first published in 2006 by the Roblox Corporation of the same name.
Roblox is a rare pearl in the world of video games, being unknown to many but at the same time one of the most widespread and played in the world. The average Roblox user is in fact the teenager or child, who moves in a world that he can create according to his imagination. Also contributing to the success of the game are the necessary hardware requirements, within the reach of any device, which make the game playable by anyone.
What is Roblox?
Roblox is a game creation platform that allows players to try other players' creations or directly create their own game. Behind the playful aspect of the game there is in fact Roblox Studio, a proprietary engine through which the entire process of creating objects and game modes passes.
The entire creation system of this game is in fact based on the Lua programming language, a solution that allows creators to manipulate the system and the game's graphic interface right from the start. This creation model anticipates a trend that is going viral thanks to NFTs and allows creators to earn thanks to their experience, creativity and productivity.
Roblox is therefore not a normal game, but rather a Game Maker, that is, a game that allows you to create other games.
The player of this title can therefore decide whether to behave as a classic player, as a creator or take on both roles.
How does it work?
Roblox is a free game available for smartphones, computers and almost all game consoles. After downloading and starting the game, the first operation required by it is to create an account. Once the account has been created and activated, the first thing Roblox will ask us to do is to create at least one avatar. We will therefore discover that Roblox uses a square graphic style that is a bit reminiscent of Minecraft.
Already in the first creation operation we will be able to indulge ourselves with customization. We will immediately find a wide choice of skins and accessories to which we will have free access or through purchase with Robux, the game's virtual currency that can be purchased with real money.
Once the user has been created, two worlds will open up, interconnected with each other. On the one hand, that of the player, who will be able to taste and try hundreds of applications and mini games created by users similar to them. On the other hand, that of the creator, who by accessing Roblox Studio (accessible only from PC and MAC) will be able to indulge in the creation of new skins, accessories and mini games.
The choice of games is really wide and usually divided into two precise categories.
On the one hand we find third-person action games, on the other simulations of various types, which transport the player into different professions, activities and worlds, real or imaginary. We then find a section of games inspired by the great successes of the gaming world, with programmers who, starting from real video games, were inspired to create a "Roblox" version.
The vast choice of games should not be scary, because they are well classified through categories and can also be organized by "most played" or "newest".
Added to this is the possibility of searching and connecting with other users, thus being guided by friends in discovering games.
Starting from the Roblox base we can therefore move from a business simulation game to a free interpretation of Minecraft; from the Pokemon simulation to Platformers which in some ways are reminiscent of Super Mario and the like. A great choice, for a variety of games that makes the Roblox experience always varied.
The logic of Roblox then obviously leads to the creation of clones or quasi-clones that differ from each other in small details, in an attempt by the programmers to follow a "trend" that is enjoying success.
Creating games
Not just gaming, but also game creation, with thousands of "budding" programmers who dedicate themselves every day to creating new games, accessories and skins. Developers earn Robux for each product or accessory sold, a virtual currency that can then be spent again, exchanged or converted into "real money" through the system known as "Developer Exchange (DevEx). It is on these transactions that Roblox makes money, thanks to a predetermined percentage of each purchase that ends up in the platform's coffers.
Reason for Roblox's success
There are many theories on the success of Roblox, for a platform that, despite not being advertised, gathers millions of players and builders every month. The winning formula seems to derive from the fact that Roblox is not just a game. Roblox is also a programming language, a social network, an earning platform and much more.
In fact, all the success of this platform comes from word of mouth, which has led entire generations of very young people to choose this game over other more elaborate and advertised ones.
Even critics (and consequently parents) tend to promote Roblox, as it is not considered just a game, but rather a platform that allows you to give space to your imagination and creativity.
Criticisms of Roblox
Such success could not fail to lead to criticism and doubts. In particular, the "spotlight" is on the little control that Roblox manages to bring over what happens in the game itself. In fact, the presence of very young people requires control over what is said in the Roblox chat and in the games themselves, due to a mass of data and information that is difficult to control at least quickly.
Other criticisms have surfaced that Roblox does not ask for player data. Furthermore, it does not have a real system of control over transactions, two factors that impose control over gaming activity by the little ones.
Playing Roblox
As already indicated, installing and running Roblox does not require huge resources. This game can in fact be installed on all the most recent versions of Windows and Macintosh, but is not currently supported on Linux.
As regards the hardware equipment, also in this case the required equipment is within the standard. The game requires a computer that is not too old (recommended no more than 5 years for a PC and 3 years for a notebook). It is strongly recommended that the computer is equipped with a dedicated video card. The amount of memory required is also minimal. Only 1 GB of RAM and 20 MB of physical hard disk space, for a game suitable for any machine.
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